The aforementioned router served a couple of clients, one of which is the desktop to the left. For the longest time I ran Linux on a Pentium 200MHz box, but I think this is a photo of my next system, a 1.4GHz AMD Athlon (before all the Athlon XP/64 buzz). Notice the Red Hat box beside the computer :-)
This was my other system, a Thinkpad 755C, aka butterfly keyboard. For a Pentium 75 it was a pretty cool notebook. I ran Debian and FreeBSD on it with Window Maker as the window manager.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
My first Linux Router...
I was organizing my photographs using f-spot when I came across a photograph of the first Linux router I ever built. I'd bought an old IBM Pentium 133MHz box - pretty big for a router, and stuck in a couple of network cards.
The router ran Red Hat Linux version 7.1. I was so impressed with version 7.1 that I ended up buying Red Hat 7.2. John Van Ostrand, from Netdirect, helped me get all the ipchains/iptables rules set up (I was pretty green about security back then). Thanks John. The router never had any downtime the 1 1/2 years it was in service.
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