Armed with Google and Ebay I set out to find out more about the mysterious SCSI drive whose only identifying marking was a pen-scribbled TDC Model C1536. Scouring google turned up nothing for the complete result, but I found quite a few interesting matches on "C1536" which, although they were for internal tape drives, seemed to confirm that the drive takes 2/4GB DDS/DAT tapes. The sites also confirmed the drive is SCSI-2 (Fast).
Digging a bit deeper I discovered that the company that makes the drives is indeed alive and well, thriving in fact, but they've long dropped supporting the TDC Model C1536. In fact there seems to be no mention of it anywhere, which is one of the reasons for this post: if you own one of these drives, you'll probably want to stick around for future posts concerning the drive and any success with backups and tapes. Oh yeah, the company is now called Tandberg Data. I would imaging the C in TDC was Corporation. They seem to be thriving as a backup solution provider to the high end market. At the low end, well, there's this blog to start. Unfortunately there seems to be little other information unless you consider this drive and the similar internal Compaq/HP drives to be the same beast. More on the mystery drive in another post.
- Tandberg Data
- Emag Solutions - tape solutions
- Google Canada
- Ebay Canada